"Operation Wolf Patrol," is a feature length documentary about eco-activist, Rod Coronado, and his attempt to end wolf hunting in the United States. Like the "Operation Wolf Patrol" Facebook page and sign up for email updates to keep up to date on the film's progress.
Follow the Operation Wolf Patrol Seed & Spark page for updates.
Operation Wolf Patrol director, Joe Brown, was deposed by lawyers for the state of Wisconsin in his ongoing legal challenge to the photography restrictions in WI's Hunter Harassment Law.
"Operation Wolf Patrol: Poachers Kingdom," has been selected to screen at The Milwaukee Short Film Festival.
"Operation Wolf Patrol: Poachers Kingdom," has been selected to screen at The International Wildlife Film Festival.
Operation Wolf Patrol director, Joe Brown's, cameras were seized by the police in Forest County Wisconsin. See the media coverage at the following links: WXPR Radio, Fox 6 Milwaukee, & The Marquette Wire.
The documentary short, "Operation Wolf Patrol: Poachers Kingdom," has been selected to screen at The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, The Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival, and the Colorado Environmental Film Festival.
Wisconsin Gazette article about Wisconsin wildlife issues and Operation Wolf Patrol film.
Operation Wolf Patrol director Joe Brown and the Animal Legal Defense Fund file suit to challenge Wisconsin's potentially unconstitutional Hunter Harassment Law. Read the press release and recent media coverage
about the lawsuit.
Lansing State Journal publishes article on Rod Coronado and the Wolf Patrol; features director Joe Brown's
photos and documentary work.
Operation Wolf Patrol short documentary to play at Beloit International Film Festival, Door County Short Film Festival, and the Animal Film Festival.